Going Incognito is a radio show series designed with you in mind! We've been broadcasting anonymous audio delights to you since 2021 with shows going live every 3 weeks.
Tune in to listen to a live show made by an anonymous creator!  Going Incognito is currently a live only show so keep an eye and ear on the schedule to listen live!
This radio show is intended as testing ground or no pressure opportunity to share your sounds, mixes, music, art or anything in between! Last year we had a real mix of different practitioners, DJ's, radio show hosts, musicians, artists and hosts from the public with no creative or sonic background coming from different perspectives for Going Incognito.
Interested in broadcasting on Going Incognito in 2023? We're extending the opportunity to broadcast anonymously on Rounded Radio to you all for our regular Sunday slot! Send us an email, message or reach out on the Rounded Radio hotline if you'd like to be considered for future broadcasts. See the get involved page for more details! 
FINAL GOING INCOGNITO session 4 oragne copy 2
FINAL GOING INCOGNITO session 2 copy for instagram 1080 x 1080